Author: Bug Man

Septic tank cleaner enzymes

Septic tank cleaner enzymes

The time has come once more to have your septic tank cleaned. For you, it is a kind of ritual to deposit enzyme additives into your septic tank, with the belief that by doing this, …
How to aerate a septic tank

How to aerate a septic tank

As you know, septic systems are utilized in areas where households cannot get access to a sewage system. These days, there is a myriad of septic system designs to choose from and the aerobic septic …
Leach Bed Replacement Cost

Leach Bed Replacement Cost

It’s your daughter’s graduation from college! Finally, all your hard work has paid off. A secure future is made for her from your sweat and blood. That’s what a good parent does. You made sure …
How to Clean a Lateral Line?

How to Clean a Lateral Line?

What is the secret to a long and happy life? Well, good health and a positive attitude are the usual answers to this question. But take a look at the more practical aspect of the …
Causes of cesspit saturation

Causes of cesspit saturation

You are a home owner and you have a cesspit installed out in your yard. This serves as the waste disposal unit for the entire household. Like the septic system, the cesspit system also needs …
Adventures of a Leach Field Treatment

Adventures of a Leach Field Treatment

You have never thought to have your leach field treated ever since you had the septic system installed. After all, you’re not even sure what the heck a leach field is let alone how to …
Types of Septic Drain Field Designs

Types of Septic Drain Field Designs

Once you have purchased a home, one of the most important things that you have to take care of first is the septic system. Not all septic systems are the same. The design largely depends …