Septic tank cleaner enzymes

The time has come once more to have your septic tank cleaned. For you, it is a kind of ritual to deposit enzyme additives into your septic tank, with the belief that by doing this, your septic system will last longer and work more efficiently. You even do it yourself ever since your septic professional told you how beneficial additives are to a septic system.

 But before you purchased the additive that you deem proper for your septic system, you searched the Internet for additional information that may help you become more familiar with the world of enzymes and septic tank additives. For years, you have heard of stories from your neighbors and relatives that adding enzymes into your septic tank will make pumping out less frequent. You have even asked for recommendations about what specific brands to use. It has been a total roller coaster ride when you started searching for the perfect septic system additive.

According to the information that you have gathered, there are two main kinds of septic tank additives—chemical and biological. The chemical additives are the strong acids and bases that target the grease and oils that accumulate in the septic tank. They are effective but very corrosive and detrimental to the environment. It is advisable for the experts to apply this kind of septic tank additive with proper protective gear such as gloves, mask, goggles, body suit, and boots. Chemical additives also pollute the environment around your septic system. Sulfuric acid id said to be environment-friendly but still very corrosive. A septic professional should take over the application of this additive. Then there is the biological additive. It can be a bacteria or an enzyme.

Septic tank cleaner enzymes are still the topic of an extensive debate. It is said that enzyme additives are helpful in kicking in a faster rate of solid waste degradation. These substances are known to greatly improve the performance of the anaerobic bacteria that are already in the septic tank. Many septic enzyme manufacturers claim that when you use their products, you may never have to be tied to septic tank pump outs. Septic tank cleaner enzymes are derived from enzymes of plants and animals. As you may know from basic science classes, enzymes are known to be the catalysts in the process of digestion. Enzymes help breakdown the huge food particles that enter the bodies of plants and animals. In your own body, you digestive system has enzymes to simplify all the complex substances that you ingest so that they could be easily assimilated in the small intestines.

It happens quite similarly in the septic system of your home. It is said that when you add in enzymes into your septic tank, the solid wastes will break down a lot faster and will help the bacterial population digest more effectively. This is where the debate sets it. There are experts that insist that enzymes are not necessary at all. The routine dumping of human wastes is enough to boost up the decomposing process in the septic tank. Humans waste is full of the enzymes and beneficial bacteria that your body produces. It is naturally occurring and is absolutely safe for the present bacteria and the surrounding environment when confined to a septic tank system.

Using septic tank cleaner enzymes do not insure that you will never pump out your septic tank ever again. It is better for you to add more bacteria than put in enzymes into your septic tank. Many companies promise the world to septic tank owners and even exaggerate the performance of their products. This misleads consumers into buying the products that they don’t really need. If you are going to choose adding septic tank cleaner enzymes, then follow it up with adding more bacteria and aerating your septic tank is always an option. There is no harm in combining several environment-friendly septic tank cleaners’ enzymes and bacteria as long as you still adhere to your responsibility of pumping out your tank periodically as a responsible homeowner.