Septic additives do help sand mounds

There was an age old question your father asked you grandfather about septic additives and your grandfather always gave the same answer; septic additives do help sand mounds. A blindfold covered your eyes. Your fiancé made sure that you didn’t see anything through the bandana that almost conquered your entire face. He carefully guided you from the car to the side of the road. There were a few steps that you had to climb with a little challenge. Blinded in high heels never did occur to you even in your wildest dreams. After a few more nerve-racking minutes, your fiancé finally stopped and untied your blindfold. H unraveled his wedding gift to you, a month before your wedding. It was the house that you have always dreamed of. The only thing that was missing was the yard. He wanted you to see the yard unfinished so that you would be able to add in your personal touch to it. You were a landscape architect so it was only fitting that you had a say to what your own yard would look like.

The piece of property that your fiancé bought had a high water table. You didn’t find this out until the septic expert came in and suggested that a sand mound be built and installed to treat your wastewater. It wasn’t a problem at first but when the septic expert finished installing the sand mound. You knew that you had to think of a way to work around it. The sand mound was definitely an eyesore if the landscaping would not do its job in concealing it. Your sand mound system was near the left margin of your yard. For you, it was quite all right because you wouldn’t want the wastewater treatment system to be the centerpiece of your lawn. 

You talked to your septic expert before he left for anything that should be done to maintain the sand mound. He said that septic additives do help sand mounds and only a thin layer of soil should cover the sand mound so that the grass planted on it would effectively indicate the condition of the system. The construction fabric should also be checked before winter time to ensure the insulation of the system. If the sand mound’s construction fabric is left unchecked and unchanged even in its tattered condition, the sand mound system will freeze over and this will lead to the failure of the system.

In your opinion, the sand mound was a more sensitive version of the conventional septic system that was situated underneath the ground. The sand mound was more exposed to the elements because it in on the surface of the soil. The conventional septic system is naturally heated up by the bacterial activity, even in the winter. But as said earlier, the sand mound should have a lining of construction fabric to protect the system’s functioning. An important thing that the septic expert stressed was to maintain and care for the system on a scheduled basis. Part of this was to pump out the tank and to administer septic additives.

 There was an article that you read in the Internet that contained information about septic additives. The piece told you that additives are not needed at all in maintaining a sand mound or any type of septic system. Just the dumping of human wastes is enough to keep the system running smoothly. The enzymes and the bacteria in the human wastes improve the performance of the resident bacteria in the breakdown of the solid waste materials present in the wastewater. But just to make sure that your sand mound would really function optimally, you and your fiancé decided to go with the septic expert’s recommendation.

The sand mound’s bacterial population should be well-taken care of because they are the essence of the entire system. Without these microorganisms, the entire system would fail. You really had to make sure that the choice of septic additives should be both bacteria- and environment-friendly. Among all the additives in the market, you chose the biological septic additives for your sand mound.

After a few more weeks, you finished your landscaping design. The sand mound definitely melded with your design. You were also certain that the septic additives which the septic expert administered will definitely help your sand mound be at its best. The septic professional said that septic additives do help sand mounds.