Causes slow draining lateral lines

In this article we will cover what causes slow draining lateral lines. When things are going slow in a fast-paced lifestyle, things get very out of sync. An example is the typical workplace. One cause of delay in the workplace is equipment failure. If one of the essential tools at work goes down, then the output for the day is affected. Another is too many people absenting themselves. When this happens, the workload piles up and other employees are forced to take on the tasks that aren’t assigned to them. Even if they go on overtime, the tasks will still pile up the following day. Lack of tasks is also a cause of things getting slow in the workplace. This is the time when employees go idle and just wait out the rest of the day or even go home early because of the slow run in the office. To get things a bit faster, many workplaces have amenities to get the employees into work mode or at least get rid of the stress and boredom. Facilities like coffee shops, gyms, movie rooms, sleeping quarters, and mess halls are all provided by some administrations exclusively for their workforce.

This slow burn could also happen in a typical home. Lazy afternoons or even lazy mornings that make family members want to do something grand like watch movie marathons, go hiking, spend the day at the park, go to the mall. or play in the yard with the family dogs. But what if the afternoon isn’t the only thing that’s slowing down? What if your septic system is experiencing a tremendous case of “turtle” drain?

The initial reaction to this kind of problem is frowning and wondering why the drains and toilets are getting rid of the wastewater in a very slow manner. Next would be hurrying to the plunger and working to remove any blockage through that manual suction power. Then, you think of pouring hot water or a strong anti-clog solution that’s supposed to melt the blockage away. When all these don’t work, it’s time to call the septic expert because surely, the problem is much bigger than just a pipe block.

Consider how your household takes care of your septic system. A typical household cleaner causes slow draining lateral lines. This is because it contains either a strong base or a strong acid. These chemical compounds kill bacteria and damage the physical parts of the septic system. Without bacteria, there will be no solid waste particle break down. Any damage in the septic system will cause leaks, backups, and overflows. Throwing grease, oils, and non-biodegradable materials into toilets and drains also causes slow draining lateral lines. These substances can’t be broken down by the resident bacteria so they just stay and fill up the septic tank until they get pushed through the drain field and lateral lines. If you don’t have a dry well to take on the grey water from your washing machine and dishwasher, then your septic always experiences a heavy increase in water load. The sudden flow of water and fluids stirs up the settles solid waste particles, causing a delay in the degradation process. The solid waste materials are left to float in the septic tank until they block the lateral lines. If things have been busy, not pumping out the septic according to schedule causes slow draining lateral lines as well.

Once the septic expert determines what causes slow draining lateral lines, then proper treatment will be administered. First, the system will be pumped out and cleaned. Then the right potent additive will be poured in. There’s no use for chemicals or enzymes here. All you need are efficient bacteria to immediately resolve the problem. Bacteria are all-natural helpers that eat away solid waste particles in the lateral lines and the entire septic system. In just a matter of hours, the lateral lines will not slow drain anymore. Once again, you will have your lateral lines back as if they were new.