Will hydrogen peroxide harm leach fields?

As I read articles on the internet I see the same question of will hydrogen peroxide harm leach fields? In a complete, fully-functional septic system, there is a septic tank and a leach field. The leach field is where phase two of the wastewater treatment system is performed. When the clear, pre-treated effluent exits the septic tank, it automatically goes to the leach field to be purified and rid of the contaminants and pathogens that deliver life-threatening diseases to your household and to the surrounding environment as well. But the leach field doesn’t get pure, clear effluent all the time. Sadly, there are homeowners who neglect their septic tanks and do not subject them to treatments and regular pump outs. As a result, the effluent that enters the leach field is also filled with solid wastes and more harmful bacteria. With this, there is really a need to have the leach field cleaned as thoroughly as the septic tank.

There are a lot of manufactured and developed septic products that you could readily purchase from groceries and septic stores. These additives are formulated to provide the desired results which are clean, clog-free leach fields. But if you want to eradicate the disease-causing microorganisms that swim and stay in the wastewater up to the pre-treated effluent, you have to use a potent disinfectant that spares the resident bacteria in the septic system. What you need is hydrogen peroxide. But will hydrogen peroxide harm leach fields?

H2O2 or agua oxinada  to some, hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound that is known to remove tough stains and disinfect items and surfaces. In its pure form, it is commonly used in large industries as a low-cost disinfectant. If you want to use this in your leach field, be sure to have your septic expert figure out the proper dilution because hydrogen peroxide is harmful to the leach field and the entire septic system if you use it pure.  In local pharmacies, you could avail of three percent hydrogen peroxide 97% water. This dilution could be used around the home. But there are stronger dilutions of 30-35% hydrogen peroxide available in some stores. Make sure that the hydrogen peroxide you purchase is in a brown bottle because the chemical compound could easily degrade in direct sunlight. You could buy loads of hydrogen peroxide and store it in large amounts just make sure that the storage area is inaccessible to pets and children.

Will hydrogen peroxide harm leach fields? Aside from cleaning and disinfecting your leach fields, here are some other practical uses of hydrogen peroxide that you might want to try.

1)       The cutting boards in your kitchen could be disinfected by pouring hydrogen peroxide on them after you have already washed them. Salmonella and other bacteria will be eradicated instantly.

2)       With equal amounts of water, hydrogen peroxide could be used to disinfect bathrooms, sinks, and drains without harming the leach field.

3)       You could leave three percent hydrogen peroxide in your mouth for ten minutes everyday to get rid of the bacteria and to whiten your teeth. But you should just do this for a short period of time because long usage this way could deteriorate the outer surface of your teeth and could also lead to tissue damage in your oral cavity.

4)       You could spot apply hydrogen peroxide on stains like wine and blood on any fabric and they will disappear instantly. Whites will also become whiter if you soak them in hydrogen peroxide.

5)       Soak your meats and vegetables in hydrogen peroxide to get rid of the dirt, bacteria, and chemical residues before cooking.

6)       Eradicate toxic mold with hydrogen peroxide as well.

7)       You could just spray or wipe hydrogen peroxide on any surface to clean or disinfect them.

8)       Have instant highlights with hydrogen peroxide because it is effective in lightening your hair color gradually.

Since hydrogen peroxide will devastate the natural microbes in your soil, if you do decide on this type of treatment it is crucial to rejuvenate the ‘dead’ drainage areas with a commercial grade septic tank treatment. Properly adding bacteria into your system will jumpstart the biological process hindered by the peroxide, and will make sure that fine particles of waste leaving your septic tank are broken down into water and harmless gases.

Consult with your septic expert if your want to use hydrogen peroxide in cleaning your leach field. With the right amounts, you could kill off the harmful pathogens and get rid of the nasty septic odors in the process. If you have any concerns just ask your septic professional, will hydrogen peroxide harm leach fields?